templates/home/index.html.twig line 1

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  208.     </div>
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  210. {% block content %}
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  214.             <div class="ibox ">
  215.                 <div class="ibox-title">
  216.                     <h5>Dernières images {{ app.environment }}</h5> 
  217.                 </div>
  218.                 <div class="ibox-content">
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  227.                             <span class="nav-right">
  228.                                 <i class="fas fa-chevron-right"></i>
  229.                             </span>
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  231.                     </div>
  232.                     <div class="btnShowMore" style="display: none;">
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  235.                         </div>
  236.                         <div class="text-center" style="font-size: 17px">Voir plus</div>
  237.                     </div>
  238.                 </div>
  239.             </div>
  240.             <div class="ibox">
  241.                 <div class="ibox-content">
  242.                     <h2 style="margin-bottom: 22px">Liste document en attente</h2>
  243.                     <div class="row">
  244.                         {% for item in countDocumentAttente %} 
  245.                             <a class="col-lg-3 item-dossier" href="{{ path('email_document_preview_list', {'dossier':item.entity.dossier}) }}">
  246.                                 <h3 style="text-transform:capitalize;">{{item.dossier}} : <span>{{item.entity.nb}}</span></h3>
  247.                             </a>
  248.                         {% endfor %}
  249.                     </div>
  250.                 </div>
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  252.             <div class="ibox">
  253.                 <div class="ibox-content">
  254.                     {{ include('home/filter.html.twig') }}
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  256.             </div>
  258.             <div class="ibox ">
  259.                 <div class="ibox-title">
  260.                     <h5>Achats-Ventes</h5> 
  261.                 </div>
  262.                 <div class="ibox-content">
  263.                     <h2 class="achat-vente-recap" style="font-size: 25px;font-weight: bold;margin-bottom: 17px;text-align: center;"></h2>
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  266.                     </div>
  267.                     <div class="row-sum-month">
  268.                         {% for i in tauxMargin %}
  269.                             <span class="month">{{i}}%</span>
  270.                         {% endfor %}
  271.                     </div>
  272.                 </div>
  273.             </div>
  274.             <div class="ibox ">
  275.                 <div class="ibox-title">
  276.                     <h5>Marge</h5> 
  277.                 </div>
  278.                 <div class="ibox-content">
  279.                     <h2 class="marge-year text-center" style="font-size: 25px;font-weight: bold;margin-bottom: 17px;"></h2>
  280.                     <h5 class="text-center marge-resultat" style="font-size: 17px"></h5>
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  284.                 </div>
  285.             </div>
  286.             <div class="ibox ">
  287.                 <div class="ibox-title">
  288.                     <h5>Gallery {{currentMonth}}</h5> 
  289.                 </div>
  290.                 <div class="ibox-content">
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  296.                                 <th></th>
  297.                                 <th width="150px" style="text-align: right;">Photos</th>
  298.                                 <th width="150px" style="text-align: right;">Classement</th>
  299.                             </tr>
  300.                         </thead>
  301.                         <tbody>
  302.                             {% for gal in galleryUser %}
  303.                             <tr>
  304.                                 <td>
  305.                                     <div class="td-name">
  306.                                         <span>
  307.                                             {% if gal.uid in utilisateurs|keys and utilisateurs[gal.uid] %} 
  308.                                                 <img data-file="data:image/jpeg;base64,{{ utilisateurs[gal.uid]}}" src="data:image/jpeg;base64,{{ utilisateurs[gal.uid]}}" 
  309.                                                 class="entreprise-img rounded-img">
  310.                                             {% endif %}
  311.                                         </span>
  312.                                         <span>
  313.                                             {{gal.firstname}} {{gal.lastname}}
  314.                                         </span>
  315.                                     </div>
  316.                                 </td>
  317.                                 <td>
  318.                                     <div class="progress-container" data-nbr-photo="{{gal.nbr_gallery}}">
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  320.                                             <span class="progress-val">{{gal.nbr_gallery}}</span>
  321.                                         </div>
  322.                                     </div>
  323.                                 </td>
  324.                                 <td style="text-align: right;">{{gal.nbr_gallery}}</td>
  325.                                 <td style="text-align: right;">{{loop.index}}</td>
  326.                             </tr>
  327.                             {% endfor %}
  328.                         </tbody>
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  330.                     </div>
  331.                 </div>
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  357.         var valChartNonLie = {{ valChartNonLie|json_encode()|raw }};
  358.         var valChartFact = {{ valChartFact|json_encode()|raw }};
  359.         var valChartFactClient = {{ valChartFactClient|json_encode()|raw }};
  360.         var valChartAmortMensAssurance = {{ valChartAmortMensAssurance|json_encode()|raw }};
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  363.         let datasets = [
  364.                 {
  365.                     label: "BL HT: {{ montant['sum_ht'] ? montant['sum_ht']|number_format(2, ',', '') : "0" }}€",
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  375.                     label: "BL NON LIE: {{ montantBlNonRelie['sum_ht'] ? montantBlNonRelie['sum_ht']|number_format(2, ',', '') : "0" }}€",
  376.                     data: valChartNonLie,
  377.                     backgroundColor: 'rgb(173 255 47)',
  378.                     hoverBackgroundColor: 'rgb(173 255 47)',
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  383.                 },
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  385.                     label: "Facturation HT: {{ montantFact['sum_ht'] ? montantFact['sum_ht']|number_format(2, ',', '') : "0" }}€",
  386.                     data: valChartFact,
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  394.                     label: "Cout Global: {{ sumCoutGb ? sumCoutGb|number_format(2, ',', '') : "0" }}€",
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  398.                     borderWidth: 1
  399.                 },
  400.                 {
  401.                     label: "Facture client HT: {{ montantFactClient['sum_ht'] ? montantFactClient['sum_ht']|number_format(2, ',', '') : "0" }}€",
  402.                     data: valChartFactClient,
  403.                     backgroundColor: 'pink',
  404.                     borderColor: 'pink',
  405.                     borderWidth: 1
  406.                 }
  407.             ];
  408.         {% if isgestionFinancements == 1 %}
  409.             datasets.push({
  410.                     label: "Mensualité avec assurance: {{ sumMontantAmortMensAssurance['mensualite_avec_assurance'] ? sumMontantAmortMensAssurance['mensualite_avec_assurance']|number_format(2, ',', '') : "0" }}€",
  411.                     data: valChartAmortMensAssurance,
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  413.                     hoverBackgroundColor: 'rgb(255, 90, 196)',
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  415.                     borderColor: 'rgb(255, 90, 196)',
  416.                     borderWidth: 1
  417.                 });
  418.         {% endif %}
  419.         var data = {
  420.             labels:  ["jan", "Fév", 'Mars', 'Avr', 'Mais', 'Juin', 'Juil', 'Aout', 'sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Déc'],
  421.             datasets: datasets
  422.         };
  423.         $('.achat-vente-recap').text("{{full_month|capitalize}} - Taux de Marge {{tauxMarginCumulle|number_format(2, ',', '')}}%");
  424.         var myChart = new Chart(ctxA, {
  425.             type: 'bar',
  426.             data: data,
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  662.                 {% verbatim %}
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  676.                 {% endverbatim %}
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