Query Metrics

31 Database Queries
12 Different statements
42.67 ms Query time
9 Invalid entities


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 1.52 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.mkey AS mkey_2, t0.value AS value_3, t0.entreprise_id AS entreprise_id_4 FROM rossum_config t0 WHERE t0.mkey = ? AND t0.entreprise_id IS NULL LIMIT 1
2 1.24 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.mkey AS mkey_2, t0.value AS value_3, t0.entreprise_id AS entreprise_id_4 FROM rossum_config t0 WHERE t0.mkey = ? AND t0.entreprise_id IS NULL LIMIT 1
3 1.23 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.mkey AS mkey_2, t0.value AS value_3, t0.entreprise_id AS entreprise_id_4 FROM rossum_config t0 WHERE t0.mkey = ? AND t0.entreprise_id IS NULL LIMIT 1
4 1.18 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.mkey AS mkey_2, t0.value AS value_3, t0.entreprise_id AS entreprise_id_4 FROM rossum_config t0 WHERE t0.mkey = ? AND t0.entreprise_id IS NULL LIMIT 1
5 1.20 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.mkey AS mkey_2, t0.value AS value_3, t0.entreprise_id AS entreprise_id_4 FROM rossum_config t0 WHERE t0.mkey = ? AND t0.entreprise_id IS NULL LIMIT 1
6 1.16 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.mkey AS mkey_2, t0.value AS value_3, t0.entreprise_id AS entreprise_id_4 FROM rossum_config t0 WHERE t0.mkey = ? AND t0.entreprise_id IS NULL LIMIT 1
7 1.28 ms
SELECT MONTH(achat.factured_at) as mois, SUM(achat.prixht) as sum_ht, SUM(achat.prixttc) as prixttc FROM achat WHERE achat.entreprise_id = :entreprise_id AND achat.type = :type  AND YEAR(achat.factured_at) = :year  GROUP BY MONTH(achat.factured_at)
  "type" => "bon_livraison"
  "entreprise_id" => null
  "year" => "2024"
8 1.12 ms
SELECT MONTH(achat.factured_at) as mois, SUM(achat.prixht) as sum_ht, SUM(achat.prixttc) as prixttc FROM achat WHERE achat.entreprise_id = :entreprise_id AND achat.type = :type  AND YEAR(achat.factured_at) = :year  AND achat.bl_validation IS NULL  GROUP BY MONTH(achat.factured_at)
  "type" => "bon_livraison"
  "entreprise_id" => null
  "year" => "2024"
9 1.16 ms
SELECT SUM(achat.prixht) as sum_ht, SUM(achat.prixttc) as prixttc FROM achat WHERE achat.entreprise_id = :entreprise_id AND achat.reglement_id IS NOT NULL AND achat.type = :type  AND YEAR(achat.factured_at) = :year
  "type" => "facturation"
  "entreprise_id" => null
  "year" => "2024"
10 1.19 ms
SELECT MONTH(achat.factured_at) as mois, SUM(achat.prixht) as sum_ht, SUM(achat.prixttc) as prixttc FROM achat WHERE achat.entreprise_id = :entreprise_id AND achat.type = :type  AND YEAR(achat.factured_at) = :year  GROUP BY MONTH(achat.factured_at)
  "type" => "facturation"
  "entreprise_id" => null
  "year" => "2024"
11 1.23 ms
SELECT, GROUP_CONCAT( as list_id, MONTH(vente.factured_at) as mois, SUM(vente.prixht) as sum_ht, SUM(vente.prixttc) as prixttc, count( as nbDevisMois FROM vente  WHERE vente.entreprise_id = :entreprise_id AND vente.type = :type  AND YEAR(vente.factured_at) = :year  GROUP BY MONTH(vente.factured_at)
  "type" => "facture"
  "entreprise_id" => null
  "year" => "2024"
12 1.12 ms
SELECT p.date_paie as datePaie, SUM(p.cout_global) as cout_global FROM paie AS p WHERE p.entreprise_id = :entreprise_id  AND LOWER(p.date_paie) LIKE :date_paie  GROUP BY p.date_paie
  "entreprise_id" => null
  "date_paie" => "%2024%"
13 0.97 ms
SELECT, GROUP_CONCAT( as list_id, MONTH(vente.factured_at) as mois, SUM(vente.prixht) as sum_ht, SUM(vente.prixttc) as prixttc, count( as nbDevisMois FROM vente  WHERE vente.entreprise_id = :entreprise_id AND vente.type = :type  AND YEAR(vente.factured_at) = :year  GROUP BY MONTH(vente.factured_at)
  "type" => "devis_client"
  "entreprise_id" => null
  "year" => "2024"
14 1.00 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.mkey AS mkey_2, t0.value AS value_3, t0.entreprise_id AS entreprise_id_4 FROM meta_config t0 WHERE t0.mkey = ? AND t0.entreprise_id IS NULL LIMIT 1
15 1.35 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON ( = h.devis_id OR IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 1
  "annee" => "2024"
16 1.77 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON ( = h.devis_id OR IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 2
  "annee" => "2024"
17 1.68 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON ( = h.devis_id OR IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 3
  "annee" => "2024"
18 1.66 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON ( = h.devis_id OR IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 4
  "annee" => "2024"
19 1.67 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON ( = h.devis_id OR IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 5
  "annee" => "2024"
20 1.62 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON ( = h.devis_id OR IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 6
  "annee" => "2024"
21 1.55 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON ( = h.devis_id OR IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 7
  "annee" => "2024"
22 1.31 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON ( = h.devis_id OR IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 8
  "annee" => "2024"
23 1.68 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON ( = h.devis_id OR IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 9
  "annee" => "2024"
24 1.51 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON ( = h.devis_id OR IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 10
  "annee" => "2024"
25 1.27 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON ( = h.devis_id OR IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 11
  "annee" => "2024"
26 1.65 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON ( = h.devis_id OR IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 12
  "annee" => "2024"
27 1.84 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.heure_sup_1 AS heure_sup_1_2, t0.heure_sup_2 AS heure_sup_2_3, t0.panier AS panier_4, t0.trajet AS trajet_5, t0.cout_global AS cout_global_6, t0.salaire_net AS salaire_net_7, t0.conges_paye AS conges_paye_8, t0.document_file AS document_file_9, t0.heure_normale AS heure_normale_10, t0.rossum_document_id AS rossum_document_id_11, t0.date_paie AS date_paie_12, t0.tx_horaire AS tx_horaire_13, t0.heure_fictif AS heure_fictif_14, t0.tx_moyen AS tx_moyen_15, t0.date_paie2 AS date_paie2_16, t0.utilisateur_id AS utilisateur_id_17, t0.entreprise_id AS entreprise_id_18, AS id_20, t19.code AS code_21, t19.type AS type_22, AS name_23, AS bank_24, t19.director AS director_25, t19.phone_director AS phone_director_26, AS email_27, AS phone_28, t19.address AS address_29, AS city_30, t19.cp AS cp_31, t19.siret AS siret_32, t19.tva AS tva_33, t19.ape AS ape_34, AS website_35, t19.created AS created_36, t19.fax AS fax_37, t19.rib AS rib_38, t19.logo AS logo_39, t19.sender_mail AS sender_mail_40, t19.sender_name AS sender_name_41, t19.logo_facture AS logo_facture_42, t19.gestion_lot_chantier AS gestion_lot_chantier_43, t19.tva_applicable AS tva_applicable_44, t19.indemnite_trajet_zone1 AS indemnite_trajet_zone1_45, t19.idemnite_repas AS idemnite_repas_46, t19.cloud_folder AS cloud_folder_47 FROM paie t0 LEFT JOIN entreprise t19 ON t0.entreprise_id = ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 1
28 1.49 ms
SELECT u.uid, u.firstname, u.lastname, (SELECT count( FROM galerie g WHERE u.uid = g.user_id AND MONTH(g.created_at) = :month) as nbr_gallery from utilisateur as u  WHERE  u.entreprise_id = :entrepriseId AND u.etat = :etat
  "entrepriseId" => null
  "month" => "09"
  "etat" => 1
29 1.29 ms
SELECT uid, image, firstname, lastname, email, poste FROM utilisateur as u WHERE u.entreprise_id = :entreprise_id AND (u.sous_traitant = :st OR u.sous_traitant IS NULL)  AND u.etat = :etat
  "st" => 0
  "entreprise_id" => null
  "etat" => 1
30 1.20 ms
SELECT count(id) as nb, dossier FROM email_document_preview WHERE entreprise_id = :entreprise_id GROUP BY dossier
  "entreprise_id" => null
31 1.53 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.mkey AS mkey_2, t0.value AS value_3, t0.entreprise_id AS entreprise_id_4 FROM meta_config t0 WHERE t0.mkey = ? AND t0.entreprise_id IS NULL LIMIT 1

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping

Class Mapping errors
  • The association App\Entity\Fournisseurs#lCRs refers to the owning side field App\Entity\LCR#fournisseurs which does not exist.
  • The association App\Entity\Fournisseurs#fournisseurConfig refers to the inverse side field App\Entity\FournisseurConfig#fournisseurs which does not exist.
  • The field App\Entity\Chantier#clients is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\Client#chantiers does not contain the required 'inversedBy="clients"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Chantier#logements is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\Logement#chantier does not contain the required 'inversedBy="logements"' attribute.
App\Entity\MetaConfig No errors.
App\Entity\Entreprise No errors.
  • The field App\Entity\Utilisateur#fournisseurs is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\Fournisseurs#utilisateurs does not contain the required 'inversedBy="fournisseurs"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Utilisateur#plannings is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\Planning#utilisateurs does not contain the required 'inversedBy="plannings"' attribute.
App\Entity\TmpOcr No errors.
App\Entity\ConfigTotal No errors.
  • The association App\Entity\ArticlePreview#entreprise refers to the inverse side field App\Entity\Entreprise#articlePreviews which does not exist.
App\Entity\TmpArticle No errors.
App\Entity\EmailDocumentPreview No errors.
App\Entity\RossumConfig No errors.
  • The association App\Entity\Client#reglements refers to the owning side field App\Entity\Reglement#client which does not exist.
  • The association App\Entity\Client#entreprise refers to the inverse side field App\Entity\Entreprise#client which does not exist.
  • The field App\Entity\Client#rapport is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\RapportProspect#prospect does not contain the required 'inversedBy="rapport"' attribute.
App\Entity\Base No errors.
App\Entity\TmpExpense No errors.
App\Entity\IALabel No errors.
App\Entity\SynonymeFournisseur No errors.
App\Entity\Galerie No errors.
App\Entity\Achat No errors.
App\Entity\Paie No errors.
App\Entity\Vente No errors.
App\Entity\Horaire No errors.
  • The field App\Entity\Menu#entreprises is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\Entreprise#menus does not contain the required 'inversedBy="entreprises"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Admin#entreprises is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\Entreprise#admins does not contain the required 'inversedBy="entreprises"' attribute.
App\Entity\Category No errors.
  • The field App\Entity\Outillage#outillagesAuth is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\OutillageAutorization#outillage does not contain the required 'inversedBy="outillagesAuth"' attribute.
App\Entity\Reglement No errors.
App\Entity\Facturation No errors.
App\Entity\Paiement No errors.
App\Entity\Lot No errors.
App\Entity\LCR No errors.
App\Entity\LoginFournisseur No errors.
App\Entity\FournisseurConfig No errors.
App\Entity\AchatArticle No errors.
App\Entity\Logement No errors.
App\Entity\AssuranceAttestation No errors.
App\Entity\AssuranceContrat No errors.
App\Entity\AssuranceQuittance No errors.
App\Entity\CompteRendu No errors.
App\Entity\Note No errors.
App\Entity\SignatureOutillage No errors.
App\Entity\Planning No errors.
App\Entity\Prime No errors.
App\Entity\HoraireObservation No errors.
App\Entity\HoraireValidation No errors.
App\Entity\Configuration No errors.
App\Entity\Vehicule No errors.
App\Entity\PartageNote No errors.
App\Entity\Tva No errors.
App\Entity\Devise No errors.
App\Entity\ModelDocument No errors.
App\Entity\UnknowUser No errors.
App\Entity\RapportProspect No errors.
  • The association App\Entity\Status#entreprise refers to the inverse side field App\Entity\Entreprise#status which does not exist.
App\Entity\Passage No errors.
App\Entity\OutillageAutorization No errors.
App\Entity\PrevisionelCategorie No errors.
App\Entity\LcrTireur No errors.
App\Entity\Remarque No errors.
App\Entity\FournisseurCompteRendu No errors.
App\Entity\PlaningStatus No errors.
App\Entity\PlanningCategory No errors.
App\Entity\VehiculeKilometrage No errors.
App\Entity\StatusModule No errors.