
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /cgi-bin/luci/;stok=/locale
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
8 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
9 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
10 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
12 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
13 file_url_signed /cloud-storage/signed-url-link/{entreprise}/{dossier}/{filename}/{bucket} Path does not match
14 admin_list /admin/list Path does not match
15 admin_control /admin/control Path does not match
16 admin_list_entreprise /admin/list-entreprise Path does not match
17 admin_activite_list /admin/activite/{admin_id} Path does not match
18 admin_new /admin/new/{id} Path does not match
19 admin_attach_entreprise /admin/attach-entreprise Path does not match
20 amortissement_index /amortissement/ Path does not match
21 amortissement_delete /amortissement/{id} Path does not match
22 article_index /article/ Path does not match
23 article_update_sommeil /article/update-sommeil Path does not match
24 article_new /article/new Path does not match
25 article_get_devis_normenclature_attach /article/get-devis-normenclature-attach Path does not match
26 article_fichearticle_normenclature_xhr /article/load-fichearticle-normenclature-xhr Path does not match
27 article_new_xhr /article/new-xhr Path does not match
28 article_edit /article/edit/{id} Path does not match
29 article_duplique /article/dupliquer/{id} Path does not match
30 article_show /article/detail/{id} Path does not match
31 article_delete /article/{id} Path does not match
32 article_preview_fournisseur /article/preview/scan/{previewDoc} Path does not match
33 article_preview_result /article/preview/scan-finished/{previewDoc} Path does not match
34 article_preview_new /article/preview/new Path does not match
35 article_preview_show /article/preview/{id} Path does not match
36 article_preview_edit /article/preview/{id}/edit Path does not match
37 article_preview_delete /article/preview/{id} Path does not match
38 assurance /assurance Path does not match
39 banque_index /banque/ Path does not match
40 banque_new /banque/new Path does not match
41 banque_show /banque/{id} Path does not match
42 banque_edit /banque/{id}/edit Path does not match
43 banque_delete /banque/{id} Path does not match
44 bon_livraison_list /bon_livraison/ Path does not match
45 bon_livraison_list_by_list_id /bon_livraison/get-by-listid Path does not match
46 bon_livraison_list_by_documentID /bon_livraison/get-by-documentID Path does not match
47 bon_livraison_edit_chantier /bon_livraison/edit-chantier Path does not match
48 bon_livraison_dettach_facture /bon_livraison/dettach-facture/{id} Path does not match
49 bon_livraison_dettach_devis /bon_livraison/dettach-devis/{id} Path does not match
50 bon_livraison_get_by_passage /bon_livraison/get-by-passage Path does not match
51 bon_livraison_devis_attach /bon_livraison/bl-devis-attach Path does not match
52 bon_livraison_send_bl /bon_livraison/send-bl Path does not match
53 bon_livraison_import_document /bon_livraison/import-document/{scan} Path does not match
54 bon_livraison_launch_ia /bon_livraison/launch-ia Path does not match
55 bon_livraison_attach_passage /bon_livraison/attach-passage Path does not match
56 bon_livraison_add_manuel /bon_livraison/add-manuel Path does not match
57 bon_livraison_delete_tmp_ocr /bon_livraison/delete-tmp-ocr Path does not match
58 bon_livraison_group_text_by_position /bon_livraison/group-text-by-position Path does not match
59 bon_livraison_find /bon_livraison/find Path does not match
60 bon_livraison_add /bon_livraison/add Path does not match
61 bon_livraison_delete_rossum_document_id /bon_livraison/{rossum_document_id}/delete-doublon Path does not match
62 bon_livraison_edit /bon_livraison/{bon_livraisonId}/edit Path does not match
63 bon_livraison_delete /bon_livraison/{bon_livraisonId}/delete Path does not match
64 bon_livraison_checking_data_export /bon_livraison/checking-data-export Path does not match
65 bon_livraison_fournisseur_add /bon_livraison/fournisseur-add Path does not match
66 chantier_list /chantier/ Path does not match
67 chantier_find /chantier/find Path does not match
68 chantier_assurance /chantier/assurance Path does not match
69 chantier_datas_filter /chantier/datas-filter Path does not match
70 chantier_list_bl_associe_devis /chantier/list-bl-associe-devis/{devisId} Path does not match
71 chantier_info_tx_devis /chantier/infos-tx-devis/{devisId} Path does not match
72 chantier_compte_rendu_chantier /chantier/compte-rendu-chantier Path does not match
73 chantier_compte_rendu_archive /chantier/{id}/archive-compte-rendu Path does not match
74 chantier_compte_rendu_delete_remarque /chantier/{id}/delete-compte-rendu-remarque Path does not match
75 chantier_attach_fournisseurs /chantier/chantier-attach-fournisseurs/{chantier_id} Path does not match
76 chantier_compte_rendu /chantier/compte-rendu/{chantier_id} Path does not match
77 chantier_compte_rendu_load_fournisseur_xhr /chantier/compte-rendu-load-fournisseur-xhr Path does not match
78 chantier_galeries /chantier/galeries Path does not match
79 chantier_compte_rendu_save_image /chantier/compte-rendu-save-image/{chantier_id} Path does not match
80 chantier_compterendu_fournisseur_status_edit /chantier/compterendu-fournisseur-status-edit/{chantier_id} Path does not match
81 chantier_dettach_fournisseur /chantier/dettach-fournisseur/{chantier_id}/{fournisseur_id} Path does not match
82 chantier_remarque_compte_rendu /chantier/compte-rendu-remarque/{compte_rendu_id} Path does not match
83 chantier_remarque_compte_rendu_print /chantier/compte-rendu-remarque-print/{compte_rendu_id} Path does not match
84 chantier_compte_rendu_new /chantier/compte-new/{chantier_id} Path does not match
85 chantier_compte_rendu_edit /chantier/compte-edit/{compte_rendu_id} Path does not match
86 chantier_save_compte_rendu_fournisseur /chantier/save-compte-rendu-fournisseur/{compte_rendu_id} Path does not match
87 chantier_remarque_add /chantier/remarque-add/{compte_rendu_id} Path does not match
88 chantier_remarque_edit /chantier/remarque-edit/{remarque_id} Path does not match
89 chantier_add /chantier/add Path does not match
90 chantier_reste_facturer /chantier/reste-a-facturer Path does not match
91 chantier_show /chantier/{chantierId} Path does not match
92 chantier_show_user /chantier/{chantierId}/user/{userId} Path does not match
93 chantier_user_horaire_detail /chantier/{horaireId}/detail-horaire Path does not match
94 chantier_edit_assurance /chantier/{chantierId}/edit-assurance Path does not match
95 chantier_edit /chantier/{chantierId}/edit Path does not match
96 chantier_status /chantier/{chantierId}/status Path does not match
97 chantier_delete /chantier/{chantierId}/delete Path does not match
98 chantier_map /chantier/map/{id} Path does not match
99 chantier_old_list /chantierold/ Path does not match
100 chantier_old_datas_filter /chantierold/datas-filter Path does not match
101 chantier_old_list_bl_associe_devis /chantierold/list-bl-associe-devis/{devisId} Path does not match
102 chantier_old_info_tx_devis /chantierold/infos-tx-devis/{devisId} Path does not match
103 chantier_old_compte_rendu_chantier /chantierold/compte-rendu-chantier Path does not match
104 chantier_old_compte_rendu_archive /chantierold/{id}/archive-compte-rendu Path does not match
105 chantier_old_compte_rendu_delete_remarque /chantierold/{id}/delete-compte-rendu-remarque Path does not match
106 chantier_old_compte_rendu /chantierold/compte-rendu/{chantier_id} Path does not match
107 chantier_old_remarque_compte_rendu /chantierold/compte-rendu-remarque/{compte_rendu_id} Path does not match
108 chantier_old_remarque_compte_rendu_print /chantierold/compte-rendu-remarque-print/{compte_rendu_id} Path does not match
109 chantier_old_compte_rendu_new /chantierold/compte-new/{chantier_id} Path does not match
110 chantier_old_compte_rendu_edit /chantierold/compte-edit/{compte_rendu_id} Path does not match
111 chantier_old_remarque_add /chantierold/remarque-add/{compte_rendu_id} Path does not match
112 chantier_old_remarque_edit /chantierold/remarque-edit/{remarque_id} Path does not match
113 chantier_old_add /chantierold/add Path does not match
114 chantier_old_reste_facturer /chantierold/reste-a-facturer Path does not match
115 chantier_old_show /chantierold/{chantierId} Path does not match
116 chantier_old_show_user /chantierold/{chantierId}/user/{userId} Path does not match
117 chantier_old_user_horaire_detail /chantierold/{horaireId}/detail-horaire Path does not match
118 chantier_old_edit /chantierold/{chantierId}/edit Path does not match
119 chantier_old_status /chantierold/{chantierId}/status Path does not match
120 chantier_old_delete /chantierold/{chantierId}/delete Path does not match
121 chantier_old_map /chantierold/map/{id} Path does not match
122 client_list /client/ Path does not match
123 client_masquer /client/masquer Path does not match
124 client_add /client/add Path does not match
125 client_get_by_listId /client/get-client-byListId Path does not match
126 client_edit /client/{clientId}/edit Path does not match
127 client_delete /client/{clientId}/delete Path does not match
128 client_get_by_chantier /client/get-by-id Path does not match
129 client_delete_document /client/{id}/delete-document/{type_document} Path does not match
130 client_name_ignored_index /client/name/ignored/ Path does not match
131 client_name_ignored_new /client/name/ignored/new Path does not match
132 client_name_ignored_show /client/name/ignored/{id} Path does not match
133 client_name_ignored_edit /client/name/ignored/{id}/edit Path does not match
134 client_name_ignored_delete /client/name/ignored/{id} Path does not match
135 comparateur_bl_fc_index /comparateur Path does not match
136 comparateur_bl_fc_bl_match /comparateur/bl-match Path does not match
137 comparateur_bl_fc_validation /comparateur/validation Path does not match
138 comparateur_bl_fc_reglement_post /reglement-post Path does not match
139 comparateur_bl_fc_reglement /reglement Path does not match
140 comparateur_bl_fc_delete /{reglementId}/delete-reglement Path does not match
141 config_imap_email_index /config/imap-email/ Path does not match
142 config_imap_email_new /config/imap-email/new Path does not match
143 config_imap_email_show /config/imap-email/{id} Path does not match
144 config_imap_email_edit /config/imap-email/{id}/edit Path does not match
145 config_imap_email_delete /config/imap-email/{id} Path does not match
146 config_total_index /config/total/ Path does not match
147 config_total_new /config/total/new Path does not match
148 config_total_show /config/total/{id} Path does not match
149 config_total_edit /config/total/{id}/edit Path does not match
150 config_total_delete /config/total/{id} Path does not match
151 contrat_list /contrat/ Path does not match
152 contrat_add /contrat/add Path does not match
153 contrat_edit /contrat/{id}/edit Path does not match
154 contrat_delete /contrat/{id}/delete Path does not match
155 creation_devis_client /creation/devis/client Path does not match
156 creation_devis_client_filter_article /creation/devis-client/getbyarticle Path does not match
157 creation_devis_client_new /creation/devis/client/new Path does not match
158 creation_devis_client_update_status /creation-devis-update-status Path does not match
159 creation_devis_client_export_docu /creation/devis/client/export-docu/{id} Path does not match
160 creation_devis_client_duplique_docu /duplique-docu Path does not match
161 docu_sortable /sortable-docu Path does not match
162 creation_devis_client_download /creation/devis/client/download/{devis_id} Path does not match
163 creation_devis_client_lock /creation/devis/client-lock/{id} Path does not match
164 creation_devis_client_update_rang /creation/devis/client/update-rang Path does not match
165 creation_devis_client_edit_xhr /creation/devis/client/editxhr Path does not match
166 creation_devis_maj_normenclature /creation/devis/maj-normenclature Path does not match
167 check_article_devis_update /article-maj Path does not match
168 creation_devis_client_normenclature_new /creation/devis/noremenclature/new Path does not match
169 creation_devis_client_edit /creation/devis/client/edit/{id} Path does not match
170 export_commande_fournisseur /export-commande/{id} Path does not match
171 apercu_commande_fournisseur /apercu-commande/ Path does not match
172 apercu_commande_article /commande-article/ Path does not match
173 creation_devis_client_duplique /duplique/ Path does not match
174 creation_devis_client_print /creation/devis/client/print/{id} Path does not match
175 creation_devis_delete /{id} Path does not match
176 cros /cros Path does not match
177 devis_client_list /devis/client/ Path does not match
178 devis_client_get_by_chantier /devis/client/get-by-chantier Path does not match
179 devis_client_devis_attach /devis/client/devis-attach Path does not match
180 devis_client_dettach_facture /devis/client/devis-dettach/{factureId} Path does not match
181 devis_client_send_bl /devis/client/send-bl Path does not match
182 devis_client_post_attestation /devis/client/post-attestation Path does not match
183 devis_client_add /devis/client/add Path does not match
184 devis_client_update_status /devis/client/update-status Path does not match
185 devis_client_delete_rossum_document_id /devis/client/{rossum_document_id}/delete-doublon Path does not match
186 devis_client_edit /devis/client/{devis_clientId}/edit Path does not match
187 devis_client_delete /devis/client/{devis_clientId}/delete Path does not match
188 devis_client_checking_data_export /devis/client/checking-data-export Path does not match
189 devis_client_client_add /devis/client/client-add Path does not match
190 devis_client_get_by_chantier_import /devis/client/get-by-chantier-import Path does not match
191 devis_client_import_document /devis/client/import-document/{scan} Path does not match
192 devis_client_launch_ia /devis/client/launch-ia Path does not match
193 devis_client_add_manuel /devis/client/add-manuel Path does not match
194 devis_client_delete_tmp_ocr /devis/client/delete-tmp-ocr Path does not match
195 devis_client_group_text_by_position /devis/client/group-text-by-position Path does not match
196 devis_pro_list /devis/pro/ Path does not match
197 devis_pro_list_by_lot_status /devis/pro/lot-status/{lotId}/{chantierId} Path does not match
198 devis_pro_print /devis/pro/print Path does not match
199 devis_pro_add_manuel /devis/pro/add-manuel Path does not match
200 devis_pro_launch_ia /devis/pro/launch-ia Path does not match
201 devis_pro_group_text_by_position /devis/pro/group-text-by-position Path does not match
202 devis_pro_import_document /devis/pro/import-document/{scan} Path does not match
203 devis_pro_delete_tmp_ocr /devis/pro/delete-tmp-ocr Path does not match
204 devis_pro_post_caution /devis/pro/post-caution Path does not match
205 devis_pro_send_bl /devis/pro/send-bl Path does not match
206 devis_pro_update_status /devis/pro/update-status Path does not match
207 devis_pro_add /devis/pro/add Path does not match
208 devis_pro_delete_rossum_document_id /devis/pro/{rossum_document_id}/delete-doublon Path does not match
209 devis_pro_edit /devis/pro/{devis_proId}/edit Path does not match
210 devis_pro_delete /devis/pro/{devis_proId}/delete Path does not match
211 devis_pro_checking_data_export /devis/pro/checking-data-export Path does not match
212 devis_pro_fournisseur_add /devis/pro/fournisseur-add Path does not match
213 devis_pro_get_by_chantier /devis/pro/get-by-chantier Path does not match
214 email_document_preview_list /document/preview/list/{dossier} Path does not match
215 email_document_preview_list_xhr /document/preview/list-xhr Path does not match
216 email_document_preview_detail /document/preview/detail/{id} Path does not match
217 email_document_preview_delete /document/preview/delete/{id} Path does not match
218 email_document_preview_delete2 /document/preview/deletedocument/{id} Path does not match
219 entreprise_index /entreprise/ Path does not match
220 entreprise_load_xhr /entreprise/load-xhr Path does not match
221 entreprise_infos /entreprise/infos/{id} Path does not match
222 entreprise_new /entreprise/new Path does not match
223 entreprise_edit_first /entreprise/edit Path does not match
224 entreprise_edit /entreprise/edit/{entreprise_id} Path does not match
225 entreprise_select /entreprise/{id}/select Path does not match
226 fabricant_index /fabricant/ Path does not match
227 fabricant_new /fabricant/new Path does not match
228 fabricant_load_form_xhr /fabricant/fabricant-xhr/form Path does not match
229 fabricant_load_xhr /fabricant/fabricant-xhr Path does not match
230 fabricant_edit_xhr /fabricant/fabricant-xhr/edit Path does not match
231 fabricant_delete /fabricant/{id} Path does not match
232 fabricant_edit /fabricant/edit/{id} Path does not match
233 facturation_list_by_lot_status /facturation/lot-status/{lotId}/{chantierId} Path does not match
234 facturation_zip /facturation/zip Path does not match
235 facturation_list /facturation/ Path does not match
236 facturation_attribut_chantier /facturation/attribut-chantier Path does not match
237 facturation_add_manuel /facturation/add-manuel Path does not match
238 facturation_launch_ia /facturation/launch-ia Path does not match
239 facturation_group_text_by_position /facturation/group-text-by-position Path does not match
240 facturation_import_document /facturation/import-document/{scan} Path does not match
241 facturation_send_bl /facturation/send-bl Path does not match
242 facturation_add /facturation/add Path does not match
243 facturation_delete_tmp_ocr /facturation/delete-tmp-ocr Path does not match
244 facturation_get_document_by_id /facturation/get-document-by-id Path does not match
245 facturation_duplique /facturation/duplique-facture Path does not match
246 facturation_delete_rossum_document_id /facturation/{rossum_document_id}/delete-doublon Path does not match
247 facturation_edit /facturation/{facturationId}/edit Path does not match
248 facturation_delete /facturation/{facturationId}/delete Path does not match
249 facturation_checking_data_export /facturation/checking-data-export Path does not match
250 facturation_fournisseur_add /facturation/fournisseur-add Path does not match
251 facturation_attach_code_compta /facturation/attach-code-compta Path does not match
252 facture_client_list /facture/client/ Path does not match
253 facture_client_list_ca /facture/client/ca Path does not match
254 facture_client_zip /facture/client/zip Path does not match
255 facture_client_send_bl /facture/client/send-bl Path does not match
256 facture_client_add /facture/client/add Path does not match
257 facture_client_dettach_devis /facture/client/devis-dettach/{factureId} Path does not match
258 facture_client_delete_rossum_document_id /facture/client/{rossum_document_id}/delete-doublon Path does not match
259 facture_client_edit /facture/client/{factureId}/edit Path does not match
260 facture_client_get_devis_client /facture/client/devis-client Path does not match
261 facture_client_delete /facture/client/{factureId}/delete Path does not match
262 facture_client_checking_data_export /facture/client/checking-data-export Path does not match
263 facture_client_new_client /facture/client/client-add Path does not match
264 facture_client_attach_lot /facture/client/attach-lot Path does not match
265 facture_client_import_document /facture/client/import-document/{scan} Path does not match
266 facture_client_launch_ia /facture/client/launch-ia Path does not match
267 facture_client_add_manuel /facture/client/add-manuel Path does not match
268 facture_client_delete_tmp_ocr /facture/client/delete-tmp-ocr Path does not match
269 facture_client_group_text_by_position /facture/client/group-text-by-position Path does not match
270 fields_index /fields/ Path does not match
271 update_toggle_column /fields/update-toggle-column Path does not match
272 fields_new /fields/new Path does not match
273 fields_show /fields/{id} Path does not match
274 fields_edit /fields/{id}/edit Path does not match
275 fields_delete /fields/{id} Path does not match
276 fournisseur_list /fournisseurs/ Path does not match
277 fournisseur_find /fournisseurs/find Path does not match
278 fournisseur_save_rotation /fournisseurs/save-rotation Path does not match
279 fournisseur_new_xhr /fournisseurs/new-xhr Path does not match
280 fournisseur_add /fournisseurs/add Path does not match
281 fournisseur_prevision_add_budget /fournisseurs/add-budget Path does not match
282 fournisseur_edit /fournisseurs/{fournisseurId}/edit Path does not match
283 fournisseur_delete /fournisseurs/{fournisseurId}/delete Path does not match
284 fournisseur_toggle_categorie_previsionel_status /fournisseurs/toggle-categorie-previsionel-status/{categorie_id}/{chantier_id} Path does not match
285 fournisseur_previsionner /fournisseurs/budget/{chantier_id} Path does not match
286 fournisseur_previsionner_print /fournisseurs/budget-print Path does not match
287 fournisseur_previsionner_2 /fournisseurs/previsionnel/{chantier_id} Path does not match
288 fournisseur_previsionner_print_2 /fournisseurs/previsionnel-print Path does not match
289 galerie_zip_image /galerie/zip-images/{chantierId} Path does not match
290 galerie_list /galerie/ Path does not match
291 galerie_datas_filter /galerie/datas-filter Path does not match
292 galerie_maj /galerie/maj/ Path does not match
293 galerie_image_list /galerie/chantier/{id}/ Path does not match
294 galerie_add /galerie/add Path does not match
295 galerie_download /galerie/{fileid}/download Path does not match
296 galerie_choose /galerie/{fileid}/choose Path does not match
297 galerie_delete /galerie/{fileid}/delete Path does not match
298 garrage_index /garrage/ Path does not match
299 garrage_new /garrage/new Path does not match
300 garrage_show /garrage/{id} Path does not match
301 garrage_edit /garrage/{id}/edit Path does not match
302 garrage_delete /garrage/{id} Path does not match
303 historique_connexion /historique/connexion Path does not match
304 page_merge /merge Path does not match
305 page_503 /503/{type} Path does not match
306 lancer_ocr /ocr Path does not match
307 page_import /get-adresse Path does not match
308 pdf_split /split-pdf Path does not match
309 get_articles_item_scan /get_articles_item_scan/{docId}/load/{debug} Path does not match
310 get_google_articles /google_response_debug/{docID} Path does not match
311 document_rotation /document-rotation Path does not match
312 home_test_pdf /testPdf Path does not match
313 home / Path does not match
314 load_galerie_xhr /load-galerie-xhr Path does not match
315 split_pdf_bill /split-pdf-bill/{doc} Path does not match
316 testons /testons Path does not match
317 eden_ai_debug /eden_ai_debug/{doc} Path does not match
318 find_best_num_bl /find_best_num_bl/{previewDoc}/{type} Path does not match
319 get_email /get_email_doc/{previewDoc} Path does not match
320 file_delete /file-delete/{dossier}/{filename} Path does not match
321 google_ai_debug /google_ai_debug/{doc} Path does not match
322 debug-date /date-debug Path does not match
323 horaire_list /horaire/ Path does not match
324 horaire_list_collaborator /horaire/collaborator/{id} Path does not match
325 horaire_recap_horaire_fictive /horaire/recap-horaire-fictive Path does not match
326 horaire_get_detail /horaire/tache Path does not match
327 horaire_order /horaire/order Path does not match
328 horaire_edit_chantier /horaire/edit-chantier Path does not match
329 horaire_add /horaire/add/{id} Path does not match
330 horaire_add_from_date /horaire/add/{id}/jour/{timestamp} Path does not match
331 horaire_edit /horaire/{horaire}/edit Path does not match
332 horaire_prime /horaire/prime/user/{uid}/mois/{mois}/annee/{annee} Path does not match
333 horaire_observation /horaire/observation/user/{uid}/mois/{mois}/annee/{annee} Path does not match
334 horaire_delete_galerie /horaire/galerie/{user_id}/{galerie_id}/delete Path does not match
335 horaire_file_galerie /horaire/file_galerie Path does not match
336 horaire_modif /horaire/modif Path does not match
337 horaire_modif_without_id /horaire/modif-without-id Path does not match
338 horaire_absence /horaire/absence Path does not match
339 horaire_validation /horaire/validation/annee/{annee}/mois/{mois}/user/{userid} Path does not match
340 horaire_delete /horaire/{horaire}/delete Path does not match
341 horaire_print /horaire/print/mois/{mois}/annee/{annee} Path does not match
342 horaire_print_tache /horaire/print-tache/mois/{mois}/annee/{annee} Path does not match
343 horaire_devis_attach /horaire/horaire-devis-attach Path does not match
344 horaire_dettach_horaire_devis /horaire/dettach-devis/{horaireId} Path does not match
345 horaire_horaire_devis /horaire/horaire-devis Path does not match
346 horaire_user_mark_ignored /horaire/user-mark-ignored Path does not match
347 horaire_print_pdf /horaire/print-pdf/mois/{mois}/annee/{annee}/user/{userid} Path does not match
348 location_index /location/ Path does not match
349 location_message /location/message Path does not match
350 location_facture_eau_upload /location/facture-eau/{locationId} Path does not match
351 location_new /location/new Path does not match
352 location_send_sms /location/send-sms Path does not match
353 location_edit /location/{id}/edit Path does not match
354 location_delete /location/{id}/delete Path does not match
355 location_delete_document /location/{id}/delete-document/{type_document} Path does not match
356 location_show /location/{id} Path does not match
357 group_by_entreprise_chantier /logement-api/group-by-entreprise-chantier Path does not match
358 get_by_entreprise /logement-api/get-by-entreprise Path does not match
359 get_detail /logement-api/get-detail Path does not match
360 logement_index /logement/ Path does not match
361 logement_index_print /logement/print Path does not match
362 logement_new /logement/new Path does not match
363 logement_show /logement/{id} Path does not match
364 logement_edit /logement/{id}/edit Path does not match
365 logement_delete /logement/{id} Path does not match
366 lot_list /lot/ Path does not match
367 lot_add /lot/add Path does not match
368 lot_edit /lot/{id}/edit Path does not match
369 lot_delete /lot/{id}/delete Path does not match
370 lot_order /lot/order Path does not match
371 lot_set_categorie /lot/set-categorie/{lotId} Path does not match
372 lot_add_lot_categorie /lot/add-lot-categorie Path does not match
373 menu_index /menu/ Path does not match
374 menu_toggle_entrepise /menu/toggle Path does not match
375 menu_sortable /menu/sortable Path does not match
376 menu_new /menu/new Path does not match
377 menu_load_xhr /menu/load-xhr Path does not match
378 menu_show /menu/{id} Path does not match
379 menu_edit /menu/{id}/edit Path does not match
380 menu_delete /menu/{id} Path does not match
381 config_email /config/email Path does not match
382 config_email_add /config/email/add Path does not match
383 get_meta_config /getConfigMeta Path does not match
384 config_acces_sms_send /config/smsSend Path does not match
385 normenclature_index /normenclature/ Path does not match
386 get_normenclature_by_article /normenclature/normenclature-by-article Path does not match
387 normenclature_update_field /normenclature/update-field Path does not match
388 normenclature_new /normenclature/new/{article_id} Path does not match
389 normenclature_edit /normenclature/{id}/edit Path does not match
390 normenclature_delete /normenclature/delete/{id} Path does not match
391 note_list /notes/ Path does not match
392 note_list_collaborator /notes/collaborator/{id} Path does not match
393 note_save_ck_image /notes/save_image Path does not match
394 note_save_ck_image_token /notes/save_image_token Path does not match
395 note_show_frame /notes/{noteId}/frame Path does not match
396 note_archive /notes/archive/ Path does not match
397 note_archive_list_collaborator /notes/archive/collaborator/{id} Path does not match
398 note_add /notes/add/{id} Path does not match
399 note_edit /notes/{noteId}/edit Path does not match
400 note_delete /notes/{noteId}/delete Path does not match
401 note_make_archive /notes/{noteId}/archive Path does not match
402 note_add_user_in_share /notes/add_user_in_share Path does not match
403 ocrapi_load_email_document /ocrapi/load-email-document Path does not match
404 ocrapi_lauchia /ocrapi/launchia Path does not match
405 outillage_index /outillage/ Path does not match
406 maj /outillage/maj/ Path does not match
407 outillage_entree_sortie /outillage/entree-sortie Path does not match
408 save_signe_doc /outillage/save-sign-doc Path does not match
409 print_auth /outillage/print-auth Path does not match
410 print_user_outillage /outillage/print-user-outillage/{user_id} Path does not match
411 retour_materiel /outillage/retourn-materiel/{id} Path does not match
412 outillage_utilisateur /outillage/utilisateur/ Path does not match
413 outillage_utilisateur_select /outillage/utilisateur/{id} Path does not match
414 delete_outillage_image /outillage/delete-outillage-image Path does not match
415 outillage_attribut_user /outillage/attribut-user Path does not match
416 save_date_retour /outillage/save-date-retour Path does not match
417 outillage_new /outillage/new/{user_id} Path does not match
418 outillage_edit /outillage/edit/{id} Path does not match
419 outillage_delete /outillage/{id}/delete Path does not match
420 outillage_signature_upload /outillage-signature/upload/{userId} Path does not match
421 outillage_signature_delete_signature /outillage-signature/delete-signature/{signature_id} Path does not match
422 outillage_signature_list_signature /outillage-signature/list-signature Path does not match
423 outillage_signature_list_by_list_id /outillage-signature/ Path does not match
424 page_index /page/ Path does not match
425 page_new /page/new Path does not match
426 page_show /page/{id} Path does not match
427 page_edit /page/{id}/edit Path does not match
428 page_delete /page/{id} Path does not match
429 paie_get_user_tx /paie/get-user-tx/{paidId} Path does not match
430 paie_get_user_tx_moyen /paie/get-user-tx-moyen/{paidId} Path does not match
431 paie_list /paie/ Path does not match
432 paie_new /paie/new Path does not match
433 paie_delete_rossum_document_id /paie/{rossum_document_id}/delete-doublon Path does not match
434 paie_checking_data_export /paie/checking-data-export Path does not match
435 paie_edit /paie/{id}/edit Path does not match
436 paie_send_fiche_paie /paie/send-fiche-paie Path does not match
437 paie_delete /paie/{id} Path does not match
438 paie_import_document /paie/import-document/{scan} Path does not match
439 paie_launch_ia /paie/launch-ia Path does not match
440 paie_add_manuel /paie/add-manuel Path does not match
441 paie_delete_tmp_ocr /paie/delete-tmp-ocr Path does not match
442 paie_group_text_by_position /paie/group-text-by-position Path does not match
443 paie_show /paie/fiche-detail/{id} Path does not match
444 paiement_index /paiement/ Path does not match
445 paiement_new /paiement/new Path does not match
446 paiement_show /paiement/{id} Path does not match
447 paiement_edit /paiement/{id}/edit Path does not match
448 paiement_delete /paiement/{id} Path does not match
449 passage_list /passage/ Path does not match
450 passage_new /passage/new Path does not match
451 passage_edit_chantier /passage/edit-chantier Path does not match
452 passage_delete_many /passage/delete-many Path does not match
453 passage_valide_by_bl /passage/valide-by-bl/{bl}/{passage_id} Path does not match
454 passage_send_email /passage/send-email/{passage_id} Path does not match
455 passage_get_passage_to_match /passage/get-passage-to-match Path does not match
456 person_list /person/list Path does not match
457 planning_index /planning/ Path does not match
458 planning_print_list /planning/print-planning-list Path does not match
459 planning_load_xhr_print /planning/load-xhr-print Path does not match
460 planning_load_xhr /planning/load-xhr Path does not match
461 planning_update_collapse /planning/update-collapse Path does not match
462 planning_create_tache_xhr /planning/create-tache-xhr Path does not match
463 planning_create_new_xhr /planning/create-new-xhr Path does not match
464 planning_update_new_xhr /planning/update-new-xhr Path does not match
465 planning_update_date /planning/update-planning-date Path does not match
466 planning_update_tache_name /planning/update-tache-name Path does not match
467 planning_get_by_id /planning/get-by-id Path does not match
468 planning_update_emplacement /planning/update-emplacement Path does not match
469 planning_delete_tache /planning/delete-tache Path does not match
470 planning_config_color /planning/config-color-planning Path does not match
471 planning_delete /planning/delete-planning Path does not match
472 planning_archive /planning/archive-planning Path does not match
473 planning_update_status /planning/update-planning-status Path does not match
474 planning_change_devis /planning/change-devis Path does not match
475 planning_add_user /planning/add-user Path does not match
476 planning_clear_date /planning/clear-date Path does not match
477 planning_update_position_tache /planning/update-position Path does not match
478 planning_remove_user /planning/remove-user Path does not match
479 planning_get_by_category /planning/get-by-category Path does not match
480 planning_print /planning/print Path does not match
481 planning_print_timeline /planning/print-timeline Path does not match
482 planning_print_individual /planning/print-individual Path does not match
483 planning_get_timeline /planning/get-timeline Path does not match
484 preference_field_index /preference-field/ Path does not match
485 preference_field_new /preference-field/new Path does not match
486 preference_field_show /preference-field/{id} Path does not match
487 preference_field_edit /preference-field/{id}/edit Path does not match
488 preference_field_delete /preference-field/{id} Path does not match
489 pret_index /pret/ Path does not match
490 pret_amortissement_index /pret/amortissement/{id} Path does not match
491 pret_amortissement_xhr /pret/amortissement-xhr Path does not match
492 pret_new /pret/new Path does not match
493 pret_show /pret/{id} Path does not match
494 pret_edit /pret/edit/{id} Path does not match
495 pret_edit_xhr /pret/edit-xhr Path does not match
496 pret_delete /pret/{id} Path does not match
497 pret_delete_contrat /pret/delete-contrat/{id}/{type_document} Path does not match
498 previsionel_categorie_index /previsionel/categorie/ Path does not match
499 remove_date_previsionel /previsionel/categorie/remove-date-previsionel Path does not match
500 update_date_previsionel /previsionel/categorie/update-date-previsionel Path does not match
501 previsionel_categorie_new /previsionel/categorie/new Path does not match
502 previsionel_categorie_show /previsionel/categorie/{id} Path does not match
503 previsionel_categorie_edit /previsionel/categorie/{id}/edit Path does not match
504 previsionel_categorie_delete /previsionel/categorie/{id} Path does not match
505 prospect_list /prospect/ Path does not match
506 prospect_add /prospect/add Path does not match
507 prospect_edit /prospect/{prospectId}/edit Path does not match
508 prospect_delete /prospect/{prospectId}/delete Path does not match
509 prospect_save_rapport /prospect/save-rapport Path does not match
510 prospect_get_by_chantier /prospect/get-by-id Path does not match
511 rossum_config_index /rossum/config/ Path does not match
512 rossum_config_new /rossum/config/new Path does not match
513 rossum_config_show /rossum/config/{id} Path does not match
514 rossum_config_edit /rossum/config/{id}/edit Path does not match
515 rossum_config_delete /rossum/config/{id}/delete Path does not match
516 rossum /rossum Path does not match
517 security_login /login Path does not match
518 security_logout /logout Path does not match
519 resetting_request /resetting/request Path does not match
520 resetting_reset /resetting/reset/{token} Path does not match
521 status /status Path does not match
522 status_new /status/new Path does not match
523 status_edit /status/edit/{id} Path does not match
524 status_delete /status/delete/{id} Path does not match
525 tache_list /tache/ Path does not match
526 tache_add /tache/add/{parent_id} Path does not match
527 tache_edit /tache/{idcat}/edit Path does not match
528 tache_delete /tache/{idcat}/delete Path does not match
529 tache_order /tache/order Path does not match
530 tmp_article_index /tmp/article/ Path does not match
531 tmp_article_new /tmp/article/new Path does not match
532 tmp_article_show /tmp/article/{id} Path does not match
533 tmp_article_edit /tmp/article/{id}/edit Path does not match
534 tmp_article_delete /tmp/article/{id} Path does not match
535 smsuser_list /sms/user/ Path does not match
536 smsuser_send /sms/user/send Path does not match
537 utilisateur_list /utilisateur/ Path does not match
538 utilisateur_add /utilisateur/add Path does not match
539 utilisateur_get_all_xhr /utilisateur/get-all-xhr Path does not match
540 utilisateur_edit /utilisateur/{userId}/edit Path does not match
541 utilisateur_status /utilisateur/{userId}/status Path does not match
542 utilisateur_delete /utilisateur/{userId}/delete Path does not match
543 utilisateur_map /utilisateur/map/{id} Path does not match
544 utilisateur_show /utilisateur/{userId} Path does not match
545 vehicule_index /vehicule/ Path does not match
546 vehicule_new /vehicule/new Path does not match
547 vehicule_show /vehicule/{id} Path does not match
548 vehicule_edit /vehicule/{id}/edit Path does not match
549 vehicule_delete /vehicule/{id}/delete Path does not match
550 vehicule_delete_document /vehicule/{id}/delete-document/{type_document} Path does not match
551 immobilier_vente /immobilier-vente Path does not match
552 immobilier_vente_logement_by_chantier /immobilier-vente-by-chantier/{chantier_id} Path does not match
553 vente_logement_print /vente-logement-print/{chantier_id} Path does not match
554 version_list /version/ Path does not match
555 version_add /version/add Path does not match
556 version_edit /version/{id}/edit Path does not match
557 version_delete /version/{id}/delete Path does not match
558 app_rest_apichantier_list /api/chantiers/all Path does not match
559 app_rest_apichantier_default_galerie /api/chantiers/{id}/default-galerie/ Path does not match
560 app_rest_apichantier_save_order /api/chantiers/update/order Path does not match
561 app_rest_apichantier_get_order /api/chantiers/get/order Path does not match
562 app_rest_apifournisseur_getlist /api/fournisseur/list Path does not match
563 app_rest_apifournisseur_addfavoris /api/fournisseur/add-favoris Path does not match
564 app_rest_apigalerie_add /api/galerie/add Path does not match
565 app_rest_apigalerie_mergeimages /api/galerie/merge/images Path does not match
566 app_rest_apigalerie_recapusergallery /api/galerie/user-recap-gallery Path does not match
567 app_rest_apigalerie_getgalerie /api/galerie/all Path does not match
568 app_rest_apihoraire_horaireedit /api/horaire/{id}/edit Path does not match
569 app_rest_apihoraire_horairenew /api/horaire/new Path does not match
570 app_rest_apihoraire_gethoraires /api/horaire/ Path does not match
571 app_rest_apinote_add_user_in_share /api/notes/add_user_in_share Path does not match
572 app_rest_apinote_new /api/notes/new Path does not match
573 app_rest_apinote_add_image /api/notes/add-image Path does not match
574 app_rest_apinote_delete /api/notes/delete Path does not match
575 api_paie_list /api/paies/list Path does not match
576 api_paie_checking_data_export /api/paies/checking-data-export Path does not match
577 api_paie_app_rest_apipaie_sendfichepaie /api/paies/send-fiche-paie Path does not match
578 app_rest_apipassage_passagenew /api/passage/new Path does not match
579 app_rest_apipassage_getbychantier /api/passage/getby-chantier Path does not match
580 app_rest_apisecurity_forgotpassword /api/password/forgot Path does not match
581 app_rest_apiutilisateur_register /api/utilisateur/register Path does not match
582 app_rest_apiutilisateur_change_password /api/utilisateur/change_password Path does not match
583 app_rest_apiutilisateur_history /api/utilisateur/history Path does not match
584 app_rest_apiutilisateur_getutilisateurs /api/utilisateur/getby-entreprise Path does not match
585 app_rest_apiversion_last /api/versions/last Path does not match
586 app_rest_garrage_garragenew /api/garrage/new Path does not match
587 app_rest_garrage_getbyuser /api/garrage/list Path does not match
588 api_entrypoint /api/{index}.{_format} Path does not match
589 api_doc /api/docs.{_format} Path does not match
590 api_jsonld_context /api/contexts/{shortName}.{_format} Path does not match
591 api_entreprises_get_collection /api/entreprises.{_format} Path does not match
592 api_entreprises_post_collection /api/entreprises.{_format} Path does not match
593 api_entreprises_get_item /api/entreprises/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
594 api_entreprises_delete_item /api/entreprises/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
595 api_entreprises_put_item /api/entreprises/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
596 api_entreprises_patch_item /api/entreprises/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
597 api_configurations_get_collection /api/configurations.{_format} Path does not match
598 api_configurations_post_collection /api/configurations.{_format} Path does not match
599 api_configurations_get_item /api/configurations/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
600 api_configurations_delete_item /api/configurations/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
601 api_configurations_put_item /api/configurations/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
602 api_configurations_patch_item /api/configurations/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
603 api_categories_get_collection /api/categories.{_format} Path does not match
604 api_categories_post_collection /api/categories.{_format} Path does not match
605 api_categories_get_item /api/categories/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
606 api_categories_delete_item /api/categories/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
607 api_categories_put_item /api/categories/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
608 api_categories_patch_item /api/categories/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
609 api_utilisateurs_get_collection /api/utilisateurs.{_format} Path does not match
610 api_utilisateurs_post_collection /api/utilisateurs.{_format} Path does not match
611 api_utilisateurs_get_item /api/utilisateurs/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
612 api_utilisateurs_delete_item /api/utilisateurs/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
613 api_utilisateurs_put_item /api/utilisateurs/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
614 api_utilisateurs_patch_item /api/utilisateurs/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
615 api_lots_get_collection /api/lots.{_format} Path does not match
616 api_lots_post_collection /api/lots.{_format} Path does not match
617 api_lots_get_item /api/lots/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
618 api_lots_delete_item /api/lots/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
619 api_lots_put_item /api/lots/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
620 api_lots_patch_item /api/lots/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
621 api_paies_get_collection /api/paies.{_format} Path does not match
622 api_paies_post_collection /api/paies.{_format} Path does not match
623 api_paies_get_item /api/paies/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
624 api_paies_delete_item /api/paies/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
625 api_paies_put_item /api/paies/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
626 api_paies_patch_item /api/paies/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
627 api_article_previews_get_collection /api/article_previews.{_format} Path does not match
628 api_article_previews_post_collection /api/article_previews.{_format} Path does not match
629 api_article_previews_get_item /api/article_previews/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
630 api_article_previews_delete_item /api/article_previews/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
631 api_article_previews_put_item /api/article_previews/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
632 api_article_previews_patch_item /api/article_previews/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
633 api_notes_get_collection /api/notes.{_format} Path does not match
634 api_notes_post_collection /api/notes.{_format} Path does not match
635 api_notes_get_item /api/notes/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
636 api_notes_delete_item /api/notes/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
637 api_notes_put_item /api/notes/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
638 api_notes_patch_item /api/notes/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
639 api_galeries_get_collection /api/galeries.{_format} Path does not match
640 api_galeries_post_collection /api/galeries.{_format} Path does not match
641 api_galeries_get_item /api/galeries/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
642 api_galeries_delete_item /api/galeries/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
643 api_galeries_put_item /api/galeries/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
644 api_galeries_patch_item /api/galeries/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
645 api_vehicules_get_collection /api/vehicules.{_format} Path does not match
646 api_vehicules_post_collection /api/vehicules.{_format} Path does not match
647 api_vehicules_get_item /api/vehicules/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
648 api_vehicules_delete_item /api/vehicules/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
649 api_vehicules_put_item /api/vehicules/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
650 api_vehicules_patch_item /api/vehicules/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
651 api_chantier_orders_get_collection /api/chantier_orders.{_format} Path does not match
652 api_chantier_orders_post_collection /api/chantier_orders.{_format} Path does not match
653 api_chantier_orders_get_item /api/chantier_orders/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
654 api_chantier_orders_delete_item /api/chantier_orders/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
655 api_chantier_orders_put_item /api/chantier_orders/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
656 api_chantier_orders_patch_item /api/chantier_orders/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
657 api_horaires_get_collection /api/horaires.{_format} Path does not match
658 api_horaires_post_collection /api/horaires.{_format} Path does not match
659 api_horaires_get_item /api/horaires/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
660 api_horaires_delete_item /api/horaires/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
661 api_horaires_put_item /api/horaires/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
662 api_horaires_patch_item /api/horaires/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
663 api_chantiers_get_collection /api/chantiers.{_format} Path does not match
664 api_chantiers_post_collection /api/chantiers.{_format} Path does not match
665 api_chantiers_get_item /api/chantiers/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
666 api_chantiers_delete_item /api/chantiers/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
667 api_chantiers_put_item /api/chantiers/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
668 api_chantiers_patch_item /api/chantiers/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
669 api_partage_notes_get_collection /api/partage_notes.{_format} Path does not match
670 api_partage_notes_post_collection /api/partage_notes.{_format} Path does not match
671 api_partage_notes_get_item /api/partage_notes/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
672 api_partage_notes_delete_item /api/partage_notes/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
673 api_partage_notes_put_item /api/partage_notes/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
674 api_partage_notes_patch_item /api/partage_notes/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
675 api_passages_get_collection /api/passages.{_format} Path does not match
676 api_passages_post_collection /api/passages.{_format} Path does not match
677 api_passages_get_item /api/passages/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
678 api_passages_delete_item /api/passages/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
679 api_passages_put_item /api/passages/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
680 api_passages_patch_item /api/passages/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
681 swagger_ui_apiplatform /platform/doc Path does not match
682 swagger_ui /nelmio/doc Path does not match
683 swagger /nelmio/doc.json Path does not match
684 api /api Path does not match
685 api_register /api/user/register Path does not match
686 api_login_check /api/login_check Path does not match
687 gesdinet_jwt_refresh_token /token/refresh Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.