Query Metrics

31 Database Queries
12 Different statements
40.63 ms Query time
8 Invalid entities


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 1.58 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.mkey AS mkey_2, t0.value AS value_3, t0.entreprise_id AS entreprise_id_4 FROM rossum_config t0 WHERE t0.mkey = ? AND t0.entreprise_id IS NULL LIMIT 1
2 1.35 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.mkey AS mkey_2, t0.value AS value_3, t0.entreprise_id AS entreprise_id_4 FROM rossum_config t0 WHERE t0.mkey = ? AND t0.entreprise_id IS NULL LIMIT 1
3 1.29 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.mkey AS mkey_2, t0.value AS value_3, t0.entreprise_id AS entreprise_id_4 FROM rossum_config t0 WHERE t0.mkey = ? AND t0.entreprise_id IS NULL LIMIT 1
4 1.33 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.mkey AS mkey_2, t0.value AS value_3, t0.entreprise_id AS entreprise_id_4 FROM rossum_config t0 WHERE t0.mkey = ? AND t0.entreprise_id IS NULL LIMIT 1
5 1.29 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.mkey AS mkey_2, t0.value AS value_3, t0.entreprise_id AS entreprise_id_4 FROM rossum_config t0 WHERE t0.mkey = ? AND t0.entreprise_id IS NULL LIMIT 1
6 1.37 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.mkey AS mkey_2, t0.value AS value_3, t0.entreprise_id AS entreprise_id_4 FROM rossum_config t0 WHERE t0.mkey = ? AND t0.entreprise_id IS NULL LIMIT 1
7 1.37 ms
SELECT MONTH(achat.factured_at) as mois, SUM(achat.prixht) as sum_ht, SUM(achat.prixttc) as prixttc FROM achat WHERE achat.entreprise_id = :entreprise_id AND achat.type = :type  AND YEAR(achat.factured_at) = :year  GROUP BY MONTH(achat.factured_at)
  "type" => "bon_livraison"
  "entreprise_id" => null
  "year" => "2024"
8 1.22 ms
SELECT MONTH(achat.factured_at) as mois, SUM(achat.prixht) as sum_ht, SUM(achat.prixttc) as prixttc FROM achat WHERE achat.entreprise_id = :entreprise_id AND achat.type = :type  AND YEAR(achat.factured_at) = :year  AND achat.bl_validation IS NULL  GROUP BY MONTH(achat.factured_at)
  "type" => "bon_livraison"
  "entreprise_id" => null
  "year" => "2024"
9 0.89 ms
SELECT SUM(achat.prixht) as sum_ht, SUM(achat.prixttc) as prixttc FROM achat WHERE achat.entreprise_id = :entreprise_id AND achat.reglement_id IS NOT NULL AND achat.type = :type  AND YEAR(achat.factured_at) = :year
  "type" => "facturation"
  "entreprise_id" => null
  "year" => "2024"
10 0.89 ms
SELECT MONTH(achat.factured_at) as mois, SUM(achat.prixht) as sum_ht, SUM(achat.prixttc) as prixttc FROM achat WHERE achat.entreprise_id = :entreprise_id AND achat.type = :type  AND YEAR(achat.factured_at) = :year  GROUP BY MONTH(achat.factured_at)
  "type" => "facturation"
  "entreprise_id" => null
  "year" => "2024"
11 0.89 ms
SELECT vente.id, GROUP_CONCAT(vente.id) as list_id, MONTH(vente.factured_at) as mois, SUM(vente.prixht) as sum_ht, SUM(vente.prixttc) as prixttc, count(vente.id) as nbDevisMois FROM vente  WHERE vente.entreprise_id = :entreprise_id AND vente.type = :type  AND YEAR(vente.factured_at) = :year  GROUP BY MONTH(vente.factured_at)
  "type" => "facture"
  "entreprise_id" => null
  "year" => "2024"
12 0.83 ms
SELECT p.date_paie as datePaie, SUM(p.cout_global) as cout_global FROM paie AS p WHERE p.entreprise_id = :entreprise_id  AND LOWER(p.date_paie) LIKE :date_paie  GROUP BY p.date_paie
  "entreprise_id" => null
  "date_paie" => "%2024%"
13 0.94 ms
SELECT vente.id, GROUP_CONCAT(vente.id) as list_id, MONTH(vente.factured_at) as mois, SUM(vente.prixht) as sum_ht, SUM(vente.prixttc) as prixttc, count(vente.id) as nbDevisMois FROM vente  WHERE vente.entreprise_id = :entreprise_id AND vente.type = :type  AND YEAR(vente.factured_at) = :year  GROUP BY MONTH(vente.factured_at)
  "type" => "devis_client"
  "entreprise_id" => null
  "year" => "2024"
14 1.01 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.mkey AS mkey_2, t0.value AS value_3, t0.entreprise_id AS entreprise_id_4 FROM meta_config t0 WHERE t0.mkey = ? AND t0.entreprise_id IS NULL LIMIT 1
15 1.33 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, v.id as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON (v.id = h.devis_id OR v.id IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 1
  "annee" => "2024"
16 1.34 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, v.id as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON (v.id = h.devis_id OR v.id IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 2
  "annee" => "2024"
17 1.35 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, v.id as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON (v.id = h.devis_id OR v.id IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 3
  "annee" => "2024"
18 1.32 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, v.id as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON (v.id = h.devis_id OR v.id IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 4
  "annee" => "2024"
19 1.29 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, v.id as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON (v.id = h.devis_id OR v.id IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 5
  "annee" => "2024"
20 1.26 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, v.id as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON (v.id = h.devis_id OR v.id IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 6
  "annee" => "2024"
21 1.30 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, v.id as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON (v.id = h.devis_id OR v.id IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 7
  "annee" => "2024"
22 1.26 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, v.id as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON (v.id = h.devis_id OR v.id IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 8
  "annee" => "2024"
23 1.72 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, v.id as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON (v.id = h.devis_id OR v.id IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 9
  "annee" => "2024"
24 1.76 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, v.id as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON (v.id = h.devis_id OR v.id IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 10
  "annee" => "2024"
25 1.74 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, v.id as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON (v.id = h.devis_id OR v.id IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 11
  "annee" => "2024"
26 1.67 ms
SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) as firstname, u.image as image, u.uid as user_id, h.datestart, h.dateend, h.fonction, h.idsession, h.time, h.absence, h.fictif, c.nameentreprise, c.chantier_id as chantier_id, v.document_file, v.document_id, v.id as vente_id, u.date_entree, u.date_sortie FROM horaire as h  LEFT join chantier as c ON (c.chantier_id = h.chantierid OR c.chantier_id IS NULL)   LEFT join vente as v ON (v.id = h.devis_id OR v.id IS NULL)   LEFT join utilisateur as u ON h.userid = u.uid   WHERE 1  AND MONTH(h.datestart) = :mois  AND YEAR(h.datestart) = :annee  AND u.entreprise_id = :entreprise AND u.etat = :verif  AND date_format(h.datestart, '%Y-%m-%d') <= :today order By h.datestart DESC
  "entreprise" => null
  "verif" => 1
  "today" => "2024-09-28"
  "mois" => 12
  "annee" => "2024"
27 1.80 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.heure_sup_1 AS heure_sup_1_2, t0.heure_sup_2 AS heure_sup_2_3, t0.panier AS panier_4, t0.trajet AS trajet_5, t0.cout_global AS cout_global_6, t0.salaire_net AS salaire_net_7, t0.conges_paye AS conges_paye_8, t0.document_file AS document_file_9, t0.heure_normale AS heure_normale_10, t0.rossum_document_id AS rossum_document_id_11, t0.date_paie AS date_paie_12, t0.tx_horaire AS tx_horaire_13, t0.heure_fictif AS heure_fictif_14, t0.tx_moyen AS tx_moyen_15, t0.date_paie2 AS date_paie2_16, t0.utilisateur_id AS utilisateur_id_17, t0.entreprise_id AS entreprise_id_18, t19.id AS id_20, t19.code AS code_21, t19.type AS type_22, t19.name AS name_23, t19.bank AS bank_24, t19.director AS director_25, t19.phone_director AS phone_director_26, t19.email AS email_27, t19.phone AS phone_28, t19.address AS address_29, t19.city AS city_30, t19.cp AS cp_31, t19.siret AS siret_32, t19.tva AS tva_33, t19.ape AS ape_34, t19.website AS website_35, t19.created AS created_36, t19.fax AS fax_37, t19.rib AS rib_38, t19.logo AS logo_39, t19.sender_mail AS sender_mail_40, t19.sender_name AS sender_name_41, t19.logo_facture AS logo_facture_42, t19.gestion_lot_chantier AS gestion_lot_chantier_43, t19.tva_applicable AS tva_applicable_44, t19.indemnite_trajet_zone1 AS indemnite_trajet_zone1_45, t19.idemnite_repas AS idemnite_repas_46, t19.cloud_folder AS cloud_folder_47 FROM paie t0 LEFT JOIN entreprise t19 ON t0.entreprise_id = t19.id ORDER BY t0.id DESC LIMIT 1
28 1.68 ms
SELECT u.uid, u.firstname, u.lastname, (SELECT count(g.id) FROM galerie g WHERE u.uid = g.user_id AND MONTH(g.created_at) = :month) as nbr_gallery from utilisateur as u  WHERE  u.entreprise_id = :entrepriseId AND u.etat = :etat
  "entrepriseId" => null
  "month" => "09"
  "etat" => 1
29 1.21 ms
SELECT uid, image, firstname, lastname, email, poste FROM utilisateur as u WHERE u.entreprise_id = :entreprise_id AND (u.sous_traitant = :st OR u.sous_traitant IS NULL)  AND u.etat = :etat
  "st" => 0
  "entreprise_id" => null
  "etat" => 1
30 0.84 ms
SELECT count(id) as nb, dossier FROM email_document_preview WHERE entreprise_id = :entreprise_id GROUP BY dossier
  "entreprise_id" => null
31 1.51 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.mkey AS mkey_2, t0.value AS value_3, t0.entreprise_id AS entreprise_id_4 FROM meta_config t0 WHERE t0.mkey = ? AND t0.entreprise_id IS NULL LIMIT 1

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping

Class Mapping errors
  • The association App\Entity\Fournisseurs#lCRs refers to the owning side field App\Entity\LCR#fournisseurs which does not exist.
  • The association App\Entity\Fournisseurs#fournisseurConfig refers to the inverse side field App\Entity\FournisseurConfig#fournisseurs which does not exist.
  • The field App\Entity\Chantier#clients is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\Client#chantiers does not contain the required 'inversedBy="clients"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Chantier#logements is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\Logement#chantier does not contain the required 'inversedBy="logements"' attribute.
App\Entity\MetaConfig No errors.
App\Entity\Entreprise No errors.
  • The field App\Entity\Utilisateur#fournisseurs is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\Fournisseurs#utilisateurs does not contain the required 'inversedBy="fournisseurs"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Utilisateur#plannings is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\Planning#utilisateurs does not contain the required 'inversedBy="plannings"' attribute.
App\Entity\TmpOcr No errors.
App\Entity\ConfigTotal No errors.
  • The association App\Entity\ArticlePreview#entreprise refers to the inverse side field App\Entity\Entreprise#articlePreviews which does not exist.
App\Entity\TmpArticle No errors.
App\Entity\EmailDocumentPreview No errors.
App\Entity\RossumConfig No errors.
  • The association App\Entity\Client#reglements refers to the owning side field App\Entity\Reglement#client which does not exist.
  • The association App\Entity\Client#entreprise refers to the inverse side field App\Entity\Entreprise#client which does not exist.
  • The field App\Entity\Client#rapport is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\RapportProspect#prospect does not contain the required 'inversedBy="rapport"' attribute.
App\Entity\Base No errors.
App\Entity\TmpExpense No errors.
App\Entity\IALabel No errors.
App\Entity\SynonymeFournisseur No errors.
App\Entity\Galerie No errors.
App\Entity\Achat No errors.
App\Entity\Paie No errors.
App\Entity\Vente No errors.
App\Entity\Horaire No errors.
  • The field App\Entity\Menu#entreprises is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\Entreprise#menus does not contain the required 'inversedBy="entreprises"' attribute.
  • The field App\Entity\Admin#entreprises is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\Entreprise#admins does not contain the required 'inversedBy="entreprises"' attribute.
App\Entity\Category No errors.
  • The field App\Entity\Outillage#outillagesAuth is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\OutillageAutorization#outillage does not contain the required 'inversedBy="outillagesAuth"' attribute.
App\Entity\Reglement No errors.